How does UQuick Professional license activation work?

Support ID: #64

Jinal Mehta

Last Update hace un año

This is how UQuick Professional license activation works:

1. When you order UQuick Professional, you’ll receive a Licensed Product ID which can be used to activate the number of PCs (licenses).

2. When you install UQuick Professional on a computer, UQuick Professional generates an Activation ID(machine ID). The Activation ID is associated with the PC’s hard disk serial number and it remains unchanged even if you format the system and reinstall Windows and UQuick Professional.

3. When you activate UQuick Professional, the Licensed Product ID and Activation ID are sent to the UQuick Professional license server. Based on the two IDs provided, the license server will generate and return an Activation Code..

If the Product ID does not exist in the license server (not a Licensed Product ID), the license server will return the message of "You have supplied an invalid product ID" . If the Licensed Product ID is authorized for 2 PCs and you already have 2 activation records (2 unique machine IDs in the license server database), the license server will return the message of "You have exceeded the maximum activation allowed" .

So you can see if you format the system and re-install UQuick Professional, the Product ID will not change, the activation ID will not change, therefore the activation code will not change. You should have no problem to repeatedly install and activation UQuick Professional on the same PC. But if the hard disk changes – reinstalling UQuick Professional on a new PC or changing a hard drive – the Activation Code (for the old hard disk) wont’ work on the new one. We would need to release the Activation Code associated with the old hard disk, so you can activate the software on the new hard disk.

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