Error: Cannot start legacy boot mode with GPT partition. Would you like to reset MBR (y/n)?

Support ID: #29

Jinal Mehta

Last Update één jaar geleden

1. There are two types of BIOS: Legacy BIOS and UEFI BIOS.

2. There are two types of partitions: MBR Partition and GPT Partition.

3. If the system partition is a MBR partition, the BIOS can be a Legacy BIOS or UEFI BIOS.

4. If the system partition is a GPT partition, the BIOS has to be a UEFI BIOS.

5. In this system, the system partition appears to be a GPT partition but the BIOS is a Legacy BIOS.

6. UQuick Professional setup detects the mismatch in the BIOS and system partition and prompts the error message.

7. To fix the problem, you need to either change the BIOS setting to UEFI or revert the system partition to MBR partition.


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