Error: "Error Code 8801: Insufficient space to install protect system" during UQuick Professional pre-OS Recovery Console setup.

Support ID: #6

Jinal Mehta

Last Update één jaar geleden


You start UQuick Professional setup in the Windows. The setup prompts you to restart the computer to complete the setup after copying program file. You restart the computer and UQuick Professional starts the pre-OS Recovery Console installation. During the installation, you see the error message " Error Code 8801, Insufficient space to install protect system".


There are two possible causes for this problems:

1. The pre-OS Recovery Console setup did NOT find the hard disk.

2. The pre-OS Recovery Console setup did not find enough free space to install the UQuick Professional pre-OS Recovery Console.


Press any key to restart the computer. The Windows will load.

A. Check if setup is able to see the hard drive.

1. Start UQuick Professional setup again in Windows, select Custom Setup option.

2. On the Select Partitions to Protect window, make sure you can see the computer's partitions correctly.

3. If you do not see any partitions, contact UQuick technical support for help.

B. Check if the disk free space is too low.

1. The hard disk is truly low on free space (less than 1GB), this is easy to spot.

2. The hard disk has a lot of free space, but it might be highly fragmented. The free space is scattered all over the places, not enough contiguous space for UQuick Professional pre-OS Recovery Console to create the "sector map". If this is the case, defrag the hard disk before setup UQuick Professional again.

3. There are other devices present on the PC such as zip drives that UQuick Professional could have mistaken it as a hard disk and tried to install subsystem on it. If this is the case, disconnect the device before setup UQuick Professional again.

If none of the above conditions apply to your PC, please send the setup log files to [email protected] for technical assistance.

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